POWERMONGER TIPS By PETER MOLYNEUX (The programmer!). Typed by PARASITE. You don't have to conqueror all 195 territories to win the game; you just have to go from the top left of the main map down to the bottom right. Picking a route going approximately diagonally down the big map is obviously the shortest way to go, but of course when we designed the worlds we realised this and put some real toughies in your way. If you do happen to meet a particually tough land, consider going around this terrortory and find an easier one. If you start a terrortory with more than one computer opponent, watch what they do. If they start attacking each other they have been set up in a state of war. Pick your side carefully and make an alliance with the better side (by clicking on the hands icon on the left side and then selecting one of his villages). This enables you to use all of his resorces, such as food and equiptment. Be careful if you break the allience, though, since he'll then tend to pick up your villages to attack. Also, he has the capacity to break the allience as well, so don't trust him too much. When you first start into a territtory, check how many men are under your command. Click on some of these troops to see if they are using any weapons. Beware whenever you attack towns which have been inventing weapons. The people from these towns try to pick up the weapons from their workshop before engaging you in battle. If a town has weapons, try to ambush the people when they are far from the town. this stops them picking up the weapons. Sometimes its worth inventing rather than attacking. Bear in mind thet a person equipped with a pike can kill as many as two people holding nothing, and someone armed with a sword kills as many as three people holding nothing. A bow means its user can kill from a distance, and cannons and caterpults are deadly. If you have invented bows, its a good idea to have an army equipped half with bows, and half with other weapons. Bear in mind that a characters strength in hand to hand combat depends on his age and how much he likes you. This also applies to the power of the bowmen. It takes a very long tome to produce a cannon or a catapult; but if the town thats in the process of making one is defeated, the stage the cannon was at is saved, so the victor has less time to wait for the finished weapon. Don't be afraid to run away from a battle if things start looking bad for you. Never let the king wander around with less than four men; he is often picked on and killed by unfriendly villagers. It's a good idea to get at least one town with a workshop early on in the game. End.